18. April 2024
Foxconn Slovakia has a long history of supporting activities to improve Nitra and its surroundings. For this reason, the Innovative with Foxconn grant programme was established in 2019, also thanks to the Nitra Community Foundation.
This year, the aim of the grant programme was to support projects in the field of technical education.
3 high schools from the Nitra district received a grant for their project.
🤖 Golianova Secondary Grammar School with the project Practical use of microbit in informatics
🖥️ United Catholic School in Nitra with the project Practical use of hardware devices for programming
🕹️ Secondary Technical School in Vráble with the project Modernisation of teaching in the field of electrical engineering
👉 In addition to these three projects, our company supported the project of the first Technical kindergarten in Nitra, which aims to arouse interest in technology and increase technical literacy in the youngest children.
👉 The funds were also used for a project to improve the Zobor pyramid, a popular tourist attraction. New benches and litters will be installed in the area around the new photo point, which was also supported by our company, will be made more comfortable.
We believe that you have a lot to look forward to in Nitra.