We help families in need
27. April 2018
Two vans fully loaded with collected clothes together with three TVs were given from us to the Nitra Family Centre.
The Spring Charity Clothing Donation was successful in Foxconn Slovakia: 960 litres of clothing were collected (due to packing in the sacks the clothes are counted in litres), besides the amount of children’s shoes, house wares and practical household appliances. As a TV manufacturer, we also added three LCD TVs to the collection. People interested in them appeared at the moment when the collection was being unloaded outside the premises of the Nitra Foundation.
These things will help families and lonely people in need, living in our community.
All things will help families and lonely people in need, living in our community. The spring collection brought even more volume than the last autumn one, and it is a challenge for our colleagues to make the next one even better.
That was not all: at the same time, we helped a disabled little girl in a targeted manner by collecting bottle caps which we handed to the charity.